Principal’s Message
The Educational System often poses a number of challenges before the Teachers. No Teacher can survive in this Dynamic Profession, without equipping himself with a variety of Skills & Qualities that improves his knowledge, ability & quality. The concept of creative learning is a vital part of modern Educational System. Allowing new ideas & innovative thinking requires a more dynamic learning process. Therefore, it is an essential that the students be allowed to learn newer vistas of learning. The teacher is not a mere guide in the most conventional system. He is much more than a regular counselor, a value developer & a torch bearer of change.
Our MISSION at Al Ameen College of Education is to provide a positive learning environment which recognizes the individual differences and diverse learning styles of every student. We at Al Ameen assure that all students have the opportunity to learn and grow to their full potential.
This opportunity is in both curricular and extracurricular activities such as Cultural, Sports and Knowledge activities. This is visible in the results and prizes our students have secured over a period of time.
It is our Endeavor in the Al - Ameen College of Education to Provide Dynamic Learning Process to Train, Equip and Mould The Teacher - Trainees to Cater to the Expectations of The Modern Society. I hope that the teachers will become role models to the future citizens of the country.
Our College embodies the essence of "Rabbi Zidni Ilma" which means "O god give unto me more knowledge".
Since Education is the basic need of the human being, it should be affordable and accessible to all people. We at Al Ameen have such a dream so as to enable you to be associated with this college.
I Thank the Management, Colleagues, and Students who have played an Important role in Bringing Glory to the College and Society.
My best wishes to the Faculty & Teacher Trainees in their Earnest Endeavors, and A Warm Welcome to you, join us for a Bright Career.