Course structure, Duration and Scheme of Examinations :
B.Ed Two Years Programme of study spread over four semesters with four term end examinations, the successful completion of which would lead to the award of a bachelor's degree in education. Course: A course is essentially a constituent of a program and may be a composite of several subject matter to be covered in a semester.Duration of the course and Medium of Instruction :
The duration of study for B.Ed. CBCS Semester Programme shall extend over a period of two years with four semesters for d a total of 96 credits. The first semester shall be for 24 credits, second semester shall be for 24 credits, third semester shall be for 24 credits and the fourth semester shall be for 24 credits.The practice in teaching programme shall be conducted in three phases.
Phase I - Pre internship programme during the second semester for the duration of four weeks for 04 credits. 5
Phase II - Internship programme during third semester for the duration of ten weeks for 14 credits
Phase III - Post internship programme during fourth semester for the duration of four weeks for 08 credits.
Hard core course :
Compulsory subject of study which support the main discipline.Soft core courses
An option for the candidate to choose a course from a pool of courses offered by the respective B.Ed colleges of Bangalore University. Each candidate should choose a combination of two soft core courses for the B.Ed programme from the combinations offered by the respective colleges.Optional Courses
A candidate has to select any one of the electives prescribed by Bangalore University and offered by the respective B.Ed. colleges. Enhancing professional Competency (EPC) course Field based activities conducted to enhance the professional competencies and skill.Credit
Credit is a unit of academic input measured in terms of the study hours. It reflects the number of "study hours " in a particular period of time devoted to various aspects of the teaching learning process such as attending classes, engaging in assignments, projects, seminars ,community activities & practical courses required for the course etc.Grade
Means a letter symbol (ABC) which indicates the broad level of performance of a student in an answer, course, semester, and programme.Grade Point Average (GPA)
The means of grades obtained on a number of subjects / tasks for a specialized period is the GPA GPA is calculated by dividing sum of the weighed grade points obtained by a student in a semester by the total number of credits taken by him/ her in a semester. The value shall be rounded off to two decimal places.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
(CGPA) is the value obtained by dividing the sum of the credit multiplied by GPA for four semesters by the total credits for the entire programme. The value shall be rounded off to two decimal places. CGPA will be converted to letter grades for the final results.
Reflective Journal (RJ)
A student-teacher generated locally standardized daily log book maintained under supervision of the mentors is visualized as a reflective journal.Internship
Internship is an integral component of teacher's preparation in B.Ed. programme. It helps the prospective teachers to acquire the professional skills required for teaching. The internship programme runs in three phases:1. Pre- internship
2. School - internship
3. Post- internship
Community living camp & Study Tour
The college should conduct community living camp & Study tour before the end of the course.Each student -teacher has to compulsorily participate and submit a report on his participation in a three days community living camp exclusively conducted at a rural place by the college. The CLC should aim at fostering qualities like collective work, co-operative living, fellow feeling, like-minded towards rural culture etc., among student- teachers. The college shall arrange to have such activities in CLC that foster the above orientations. Student-teacher must compulsorily participate in CLC.
Conduct of Practical Examination
The university shall conduct Practical Examination with the help of "Practical Examination Boards" approved by the Chairman, Board of Examiners. Each Practical Examination Board shall consist of two members i.e., one from the B.Ed. College and the other from practicing school.A Method teacher with a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience at B.Ed. level (Internal) and Headmaster/Headmistress or a senior teacher (External) with 10 years of teaching experience from the practicing school can be an examiner for practical examination. The marks awarded to the student shall be average of the marks awarded by the internal & external examiner.